Fazlı Onur SAĞSÖZ

Vice President

He was born in Erzurum. He started journalism almost at a young age. He worked as a reporter and photojournalist for agencies and newspapers. Sağsöz, who still works at Erzurum Agency, founded the site palandöken.com (Turkish domain) due to his passion for Palandöken and skiing. He took part in many projects for the promotion of Turkey’s oldest ski resort, Palandöken, in the national and international arena. Finally, he worked as an expert in the “Erzurum – Erzincan – Kars Winter Tourism Corridor Project” realized with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the European Union. A member of the Photojournalists Association of Turkey, a member of the Eastern Anatolian Journalists’ Association, and a member of the Turkish Ski Foundation Board of Directors, Sağsöz is married to Meleknur and is Efehan’s father.